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Let’s Do It! World is going to UNEA – the United National Environment Assembly

Kristina Mänd, Head of Resource Mobilization will be attending the UN Environment Assembly, the world’s highest-level decision-making body dedicated to the environment in Nairobi, Kenya, from 4-6 December 2017 under the overarching theme of “Towards a Pollution-Free Planet”.

The Assembly aims to deliver a number of tangible commitments to end the pollution of our air, land, waterways, and oceans, and to safely manage our chemicals and waste.

On behalf of the Let’s Do It! World, Kristina will be organizing a CSO Green Tent Event 4 December on the World Cleanup Day September 15, 2018: why and how to fight „trash blindness“. In addition to inviting organizations and people to map, organize and attend the World Cleanup, Kristina will also talk about the World Waste Map – how to make unsoundly managed waste (including illegal dumping and littering) visible around the globe –  and World Waste Index. The World Waste Index will be a unique tool that shows illegal waste in environment, a status of waste management system, the recycling rate, what kind of waste prevention mechanisms are present, etc in most countries around the world.  Both tools are being designed by the Let’s Do It Foundation Knowledge Team and partners.

“UNEA will be an excellent place to spread the world, be present and look for partners and supports among the people and organizations who are committed to a similar cause and could use a powerful boost to do something more, something global using technology to empower citizens and allowing environment to be in the centre of innovation,” said Kristina Mänd.

Read more: http://www.unep.org/environmentassembly/event-details


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