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Let’s Do It! World African leaders gathering in South Africa

World Cleanup Day

On the plain beneath Table Mountain, for the first time ever, leaders from 35 African countries (the African network has 41 leaders) have gathered for an historic chapter in the African continent’s history.

The Let’s Do It! World African leader’s academy is underway. 5-day conference will be filled with lectures, groupworks, workshops, days full of inspiration and knowledge how to be part of and organize the biggest positive civic action of human history.

Hotel Verde, the ‚greenest hotel in Africa‘, is an appropriate venue for the massive undertaking of removing illegal trash from a continent and developing a strategy to transform waste into an economic resource to serve rather than enslave the people. South African powerhouse Marietta Hopley and her team have assembled an impressive roster of participants, facilitators and activities. Speakers from the government, recycling companies, seabird rescuers, arts and crafts innovators, JCI, and more, provide punchy and engaging presentations and declarations of intent. The delegates are welcomed into a family that speaks of hope, will, determination, we are witnessing the creation of a unified front and expansive network, with the experience and connections to ensure our ongoing mission to cleanup the world will be successful in Africa.


This is the first time so many African countries have been brought together to cooperate on such a scale and tackling the issue of our time, waste and how to ‚minimise leakage from the circular economy‘. As well as presentations from some of South Africa’s most innovative and greenest organisations we are treated to a ‚Song for Africa‘ what is set to be the anthem for the Let’s Do It! Africa and using the power of music to bring the message to the world that Africa has awoken and is leading the way in cleanups, with diligence, energy, joy and determination. From the birthplace of mankind a new hope is rising, harnessing international knowhow and experience to make our planet clean again and keeping it clean. World Clean Up Day 2018 just took a step closer to realisation with the activation of the 1.3 billion people who call Africa home.


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